24 de septiembre de 2016

Cuadros Lunares

Si, soy una de esas..


Inter-planetary aspects

The following aspects between planets concern the possible relationships between two charts: especially the emotional and romantic relationship, but also aspects on social, intellectual, and spiritual levels.

The values next to the orbs in the chart above are part of a rating system. Keep in mind that these figures serve only as a possible guideline to which aspects may be considered easy or challenging. Analysis of a relationship is of course very complex. While some aspects can be considered, on their own, difficult for most, some people will have an easier time with them, and the same is true of easy aspects. As well, all relationships will, and should, have a mix of easy and challenging aspects.

Always use your own logic and intuition. This is the case for anything you read in the report, on the site, on other sites, and in books. These are guidelines and possibilities only, and are not meant to pass judgment on a relationship. Read more about these combinations on Cafe Astrology (Synastry/Relationship Astrology category), on other astrology sites, and in astrology books.

267 Conjunction Sun - Mercury

Positive aspect: They are able to solve problems when they put their heads together. Respect for each other's intelligence. Good understanding between the two persons and intellectual interests in common. Similar or harmonious type of curiosity.

205 Conjunction Sun - Venus

Positive aspect: It's not only about love, it's about "like". It would be a good idea to schedule plenty of leisure time together, especially when other problems arise in the relationship, if only to remind each other how much they truly enjoy each other's company, tastes, and interests. They go well together, they love each other, and feel good, happy and radiant in each other's company. There is much attraction, especially on the part of the Venus person. They are capable of charming each other. Sometimes, they gloss over problems and conflicts just in order to keep the peace, which is not a good idea in the long run.

172 Conjunction Sun - Jupiter

Positive aspect: Here is a couple you like to be with. They are charming, agreeable and know how to entertain their friends generously and warmly. They go well together, and love each other in a discrete and sincere way, and appreciate the joys of life together.

143 Conjunction Mercury - Jupiter

Positive aspect: An ideal couple, prosperous, happy, good intellectual understanding, great confidence in each other, a successful family life.

133 Conjunction Venus - Jupiter

Positive aspect: This union is likely to be completely successful. A couple that is happy to be alive, and to live together, with a pleasant family and home, total confidence in each other (and with reason), intellectual understanding, similar tastes. There is a strong desire to make each other happy. You enjoy each other's company immensely and you put each other in a happy mood. You make each other laugh and you feel very open, loose, and jovial around each other. Forgiveness and graciousness characterizes your partnership.

115 Conjunction Sun - Sun

Positive aspect: It's an excellent aspect for a union because neither has to explain to the other about his or her life goals and overall personality. The two people complement each other in basic ways. Although every relationship has its struggles and conflicts, this aspect helps strengthen your relationship because there is an overall understanding and you support one another at the end of the day.

91 Trine Venus - Mars

Positive aspect: This is a union that is particularly based on physical understanding, passionate love. There is a lot of affection between them, and they need to express it physically. Plenty of attraction here.

75 Conjunction Saturn - Neptune

Positive aspect: Favorable union. Neptune brings dreams to Saturn if they're lacking, and Saturn brings common sense to Neptune when they're lacking.

65 Conjunction Saturn - Uranus

Positive aspect: Favorable union, linking invention and originality with common sense and thoughtfulness. They might do great things together.

-55 Opposition Sun - Uranus

Challenging aspect: Here is an aspect that is one factor speaking against long-term understanding. At the beginning, they appreciate each other a lot and derive pleasure from being together but, quite quickly, this life can become conflict-ridden. There can be inconsistency or an on-off quality to the relationship. This can work but it requires a lot of freedom and effort.

53 Trine Mars - Pluto

Positive aspect: Enormous physical passion. The sexual attraction is intense and insistent. They want to be around each other as much as possible. Their sexual relationship evolves with time, instead of dissolves.

41 Sextile Mars - Saturn

Positive aspect: A life together with few problems. Love tends to develop into friendship. In a broad sense, they understand each other and go well together. Their relationship can be a little routine at times, and there may be some self-consciousness with each other.

This is one indication that they will be faithful to one another.

33 Sextile Saturn - Pluto

Positive aspect: Favorable union. They help one another to achieve their ambitions and goals.

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